
The Benefits of Using Liposomal Technology for Vitamin Delivery
Posted by Admin on Saturday, April, 05 2014 and filed under Health Blog
Lypo-Spheric Altrient C
Lypo-spheric Altrient C provides bioavailable, high-dosage Vitamin C, rapidly increasing its blood plasma level. Don't settle for anything less.

Summary: There are a two prominent benefits: a) Delivery of vitamins through this route is numerous times more efficient and effective than taking powdered oral forms b) the bio-availability is boosted to over 90% because the liposomal encapsulation prevents premature metabolisation.

As it relates to Vitamin C, standard oral forms of delivery lose around 80% of Vitamin C due to problems with absorption and premature metabolisation of the Vitamin C before it is delivered to where it needs to be. Liposomal technology encapsulates the Vitamin C and serves as an efficient means of transport to get it to where your body needs it. Once transported safely to the liver, the Vitamin C will be released into the bloodstream. This way, you are benefiting from just about all of the Vitamin C (in excess of 90%). Further, the upset and discomfort that some people feel are banished because the normal metabolization route has been avoided. As a result, serum levels (which are connected to overall health benefits) are greatly increased, providing a much greater therapeutic effect.